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OCS OCS 12AUG 2024 IWC Board


New Member
So glad to see that they picked up a large group! I did not get a pro-rec yes, but I am on the alternate list. What does this mean exactly?

It states: "Alternates were selected to ensure FY25 goals are met. Alternates not sent to Officer Candidate School before the next board must reapply for selection."

I know the next board is literally this month on the 30th. If I am not told I have a class date before this board, do I basically have to re-apply in January? Typically the boards are not this close, so hopefully I don't miss my chance, but I will re-apply if I have to. Congrats again to everyone!
Are you able to see the results for the other boards, or provided the number selectees/total of those applied for IP? I am currently out to sea and cannot access the share point. If possible can grab the results and send them to my email, that ill PM you?
Are you able to see the results for the other boards, or provided the number selectees/total of those applied for IP? I am currently out to sea and cannot access the share point. If possible can grab the results and send them to my email, that ill PM you?
I am not able to check. I'll PM you on the side.


New Member
Got selected for IP 3 Nov 2024. I am very happy but I still have 10 months until my PRD at my current command. I really don’t want to leave them hanging especially since it’s a tight billet. How often/likely are requests for a different OCS ship date granted?


My recruiter has not told me if I’ve been selected for intel yet if anyone has the ability to check the Intel list for my name please PM me


New Member
Was selected as an alternate for IP, does anyone know if you can submit a reconsideration package for an upcoming board if you are an alternate?