First time posting, saw my name on the list for SNFO! Pretty hyped but I am still set on being a NA at some point!
Long story short, had my package submitted by Feb and thought I was finally chillin' but was told a few weeks later my vision disqualifies me from NA (after being told the entire time that there is no vision requirement so long as you're correctable to 20/20). I cried a bit, reevaluated things and chose to go for NFO - primarily because my best alternative would be to fund LASIK myself, wait 9 months for my eyes to settle and be looked at by MEPS and then finally apply for NA and possibly not get picked up. Figured I'd rather get my foot in the door than dig myself a hole.
Anyways, had to rant because this process has been ridiculous. Congrats to everyone and can't wait to meet some of you at OCS and beyond!